Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fireworks Displays at My Neighborhood

Although government authorities advise people against the use of explosives to welcome the New Year, the people cannot just get rid of the practice because fireworks displays have become a tradition that is incorporated in the celebration of the Christmas season which includes the New Year. The practice of fireworks display is influenced by the Chinese. It is said that the noise of the fireworks would drive away bad spirit thus bringing in good fortune for the New Year. Fireworks displays are a distinguishing sight of a night sky on New Year’s Eve. To some people, their celebration is not complete if they don’t see or hear the colorful sparks of lights, the smoke, and the noise that are created by the fireworks. 

I spent the New Year’s Eve in the company of my family and relatives in our ancestral compound at the foot of a hill where the regional police headquarters is located. Even before 12 o’clock midnight came skyrockets were already bursting in the air. I then took the opportunity to get my camera to take pictures of the night spectacles. I must admit though that I am just an amateur photographer and I’m a novice as far as taking pictures of fireworks displays are concerned. I had limited choice of better perspectives and better qualities of fireworks displays to take pictures of since I was only in our family’s compound. I need to be with them for the occasion.

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