The Knight of Columbus is a Roman Catholic, family,
fraternal and service organization which is a member of International Alliance
of Catholic Knights. It is the world’s largest fraternal service organization. The
order operates with blessings of the church, and helps it in its
endeavor to reach out to the faithful and to serve the community. Recognizing
the effort of the order, Pope John Paul II said that the Knight of Columbus is
the “strong arm of the church”. The order involves itself in charitable and
humanitarian activities such as helping victims of calamities like typhoon,
giving donations and paying visits to the sick and needy in such institutions as
hospitals and orphanages. Knights, as what the members of the order are called,
also provide free and voluntary service to the community on endeavors that can
help the people and the local government. With sense of fraternity, knights
foster strong bond of relationship with each other and help each other in their
time of needs.

Father Michael J. Mcgivney (August 12, 1852-August 14,
1890), an Irish-American Catholic priest from New Haven, Connecticut founded the
Knight of Columbus on March 29, 1882. The son of Irish immigrant parents, Father
Mcgivney saw the hardships of Catholic families in the search of livelihood in
a Protestant Anglo-Saxon dominated society. Their situation was exacerbated
during a loss of a breadwinner in the family. Surviving members had to cope
with the lack of income and finding job. To deal with the problem affecting the
Catholic families, Fr. Mcgivney established a mutual benefit society that could
provide a sort of insurance system to the families. Fr. Mcgivney also noticed
that Catholics were barred from joining labor unions. And by policy of the
Catholic Church, a catholic could not join fraternal organization such as the
Free Masonry. On that background, a new catholic organization was conceived.
The explorer Christopher Columbus, a catholic who served
under Queen Isabella I of Catholic Spain, was the person who opened the door of
the American continent for European settlement and Christian evangelization. He
was considered a hero during Father Mcgivney’s time. But the young priest was
some sort of disappointed to observe that catholic immigrants were marginalized
in the predominantly protestant society. He originally thought of a name “The
Sons of Columbus” for his organization.
The word “Columbus” was some sort of a mild rebuke to the “Anglo-Saxon”
leaders to stress that Catholicism had a role in the founding of the United
States. The word “sons” was replaced
with the word “knights” after James T. Mullen who would later become Supreme
Knight successfully suggested that “knights” would better describe the
ritualistic nature of the organization. Thus the name “Knights of Columbus” was
adopted for the new organization.
In the Philippines, the first members of Knights of Columbus
were American army and navy soldiers who established the first council which
was Council 1000 on April 23, 1905, in Intramurus, Manila. Its first Grand
Knight was Richard Campbell. Atty. Gabriel LaO was elected as the first
Filipino Grand Knight. In 1947, Fr. George J. Willmann was granted by the
Supreme Council in the expand the number of council in the Philippines.
In 1948 the first Knights of Columbus district was established composed of
Manila Council 1000, and the newly constituted councils: Cebu Council 3106, and
Cagayan de Oro Council 3108. Father Willmann was the first District Deputy who
served until 1953. In March 1, 1954, Supreme Knight Luke Hart appointed Fr.
Willmann to the title of Territorial Deputy which he held until 1961. By 1962,
he was made the first Philippine State Deputy as a result of the emergence of
more than 100 councils in the Philippines. Father Willmann served in that
capacity until his death at age 89. According to past Supreme Knight Virgil
Dechant he was the Father Michael J. Mcgivney of the Philippines. Former
Senator and Ambassador Oscar Ledesma succeeded Fr. Willmann as the Philippine
State Deputy from 1977 to 1983. He was instrumental in the creation of three
Assistant State Deputy positions of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Mardonio Santos
succeeded Ledesma in 1983. During his term, the order saw enormous growth of
membership. On July 1989, the Philippine Jurisdiction was divided into three
states of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. And the Assistant Philippine Deputies
were then automatically appointed to be the first State Deputies of their
respective areas.
A knight is dedicated to the principles of charity, unity,
fraternity and patriotism. Charity is the
first principle of a knight which calls for generosity in sharing his material
resources and services especially to the poor and less fortunate people. Unity
is the solidarity or the spirit of teamwork among knights in the attainment of
the order’s goals and activities. Fraternity is the spirit of brotherhood and
camaraderie that bind a knight with another. Patriotism is the unselfish love and
duty for the country. A knight’s adherence to the constitution and service to
the government are in line with this principle.
Hierarchy in knights’ ranks is categorized in four degrees. The
first degree is the lowest and the fourth degree is the highest. Each degree,
in ascending order, embodies the core principles of charity, unity, fraternity
and patriotism. To qualify as a knight, a gentleman must be 18 years old and
above, and that he must be a practical Roman Catholic. He undergoes a closed
ritualistic initiation called exemplification to become a first degree knight.
In that level he embodies the principle of charity. He climbs into the ladder
of hierarchy by following the rules set by the Knight of Columbus. He should
also recruit a new member to reach the second degree. A third degree exemplification
brings a knight closer to full knighthood. The fourth degree which embodies the
principle of patriotism brings the knight to the apex of the knights’ hierarchy
and bestows on him the title as a “sir knight”. An elaborate rite participated in by the color
corps, top officials of the assembly and clergy and attended by family members
and guests characterized the exemplification to the fourth degree. In that degree a knight can qualify as an elected
officer of a council or an assembly. A fourth degree knight can have the
regalia consisting of chapeau, baldric, cape, tuxedo or white dinner jacket, a
bow tie, a glove and a sword upon purchase. On his option he can join the color
corps which is the most visible group of the order. Priests who desire to
become knight do not participate directly in degree exemplification as laymen
do, but rather take the degree by observation.

The council is the lowest and the basic unit of the order.
It comprised of knights of all degree. Only 4th degree knights are
eligible to become an officer of the council. Officers are elected by knights
of the council except the Financial Secretary who is appointed by the Supreme
Knight who is based in USA. The highest officer of the council is the Grand Knight.
The council holds a meeting every first Sunday of the month. The assembly is
composed of fourth degree knights of member councils who hold meeting every
fourth Sunday of the month. It also elects its own officers. The highest
officer of the assembly is called the navigator. Councils and assemblies usually
establish their headquarters at the parish or church they are connected with. The
assemblies and councils are overseen by a district whose head is the District Deputy.
The Philippines is divided into four states of the Knight of Columbus which are
the North Luzon, the South Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. Each state is a
jurisdiction of an officer who is called the Deputy. The highest authority of
Knight of Columbus units the world over is the Supreme Council in 1 Columbus
Plaza, New Haven, Connecticut, USA which is headed by the Supreme Knight who at
present is Carl A. Anderson.
Council Assembly
Knight Navigator
Chaplain Friar
Deputy Grand
Knight Captain
Chancellor Admiral
Recorder Scribe
Secretary Comptroller
Treasurer Purser
Lecturer Non Existent
Advocate Non
Inside Guard Inner
Guard Outer Sentinel
(Three Year) Trustee
(Three Year)
(Two Year)
Trustee (Two Year)
(One Year)
Trustee (One Year)
Non Existent Color Corps
(Above is list of officers of council and
Knights follow a military like protocol and parliamentary
procedures during their meetings. In the council level the title of officers is
prefixed with “worthy”. A Grand Knight
is thus addressed “worthy Grand Knight”. In the assembly the title of the
officers is prefixed with “faithful” and in a meeting a knight should say “faithful
navigator”. Utmost respect is rendered to the Grand Knight, Navigator, top
officers of the district and state and the clergy during official meetings and
other gatherings.
The original purpose on which Knight of Columbus was founded
which is to provide financial assistance to members during times of needs and
misfortune has lived on. Relative to it, the Knight of Columbus has in its
system the provision of voluntary insurance which is exclusive to the members
of the order. The U.S. Knight of Columbus is an organization with over a
billion of US dollar in assets. Its financial program has generated 2 million
insurance contracts totaling US 90 billion dollars in life insurance that is in
force and backed up by US $21 billion in assets as of 2014. In 2013, its
insurance program has a surplus of US $1.8 billion. Knight of Columbus ranked
900 in total revenue in 2011 according to Fortune’s 1,000 list. The financial
benefits however cannot be extended to the Philippines because of restriction
on laws between the country and the U.S.
In the Philippines, in 1958, Fr. George J. Willmann founded
the Knight of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc., or
KCFAPI. It was incorporated as a non-stock corporation. On September 9, 1958,
KCFAPI was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and was duly
licensed to operate an insurance system that would cater exclusively to the
members of Knights of Columbus. With its
insurance programs, the association provides knights following advantages: one
is that they become a co-owner of the association when they apply for
insurance: another benefit for them is that the insurance transaction is tax
free and exclusive to the members of the Knight of Columbus. KCFAPI has subsidiary
companies that could enhance its financial status. Income of the association is
used to pay for the proceeds due to the members, to spend on charitable and
humanitarian activities and to fund the scholarship of seminarians.
Some world famous figures who are members of the Knight of
Columbus include the late President John F. Kennedy of USA, his brother Ted, the
legendary baseball legend Babe Ruth, former World Heavyweight boxing champion
Floyd Patterson, Jeb Bush and two-time Medal of Honor recipient Daniel Day. In
the Philippines, some of famous Knights of Columbus members include the late
former Senator Oscar Ledesma, former Supreme Court justice Hilario Davide,
Justice Jose Reyes, and Jaime Cardinal Sin. The list of famous knights is not
limited to the names that are mentioned in this paragraph.