The social media network particularly Facebook has given me
opportunity to reach out to many people not only locally but also globally. My
online friends include people of different ages, genders, races, culture,
religions and political persuasions.
Through Facebook I
have connected with long lost friends, former classmates and people who I went
to the same school with. For me, it seems that it was only yesterday that I and
my contemporaries enjoyed together the life of being young. During that time it
seemed that our carefree days would last forever. But now those thoughts are
gone. I have grand children of my own. Time really flies.
I and you my friends have become an online community. It is
indeed a pleasant experience to view your pictures, videos, articles and other
posts that you want to share with me and others. Although I have never met some
of you in person, my interactions with you have given me more knowledge on
various matters that are of interest to me.
As a person I have my own political as well as religious and
other beliefs. Although at times I don’t agree with the comments, ideas or
opinions that you shared in your posts most especially on matter that is political,
I do respect your right to express them.
For 2013, we may have our share of life’s ups and downs. And
as long as we live there are always adversities that come in our way. We could
overcome those sad realities by just counting our blessings. We should not be
bitter of the bad things that have happened to us because if we look around,
there are still plenty of good things that we should be grateful of. As always,
we are still blessed by God.
I wish that you would have a good health and be happy with
your family, loved ones and friends in 2014. I also wish that we could enjoy
those things that we always used to do for a healthy and enduring friendship.
“Happy New Year!”