Gaston Park is a historic and major Landmark of Cagayan de
Oro, and one of its main fixtures is the fountain. Locals who visited the park
and those who went to the mass at Saint Augustine Cathedral relished the view
of the park with its decorative fountain and people had their picture taken
with the fountain, the church and the old water reservoir now converted into
museum as the background. However, the operation of the fountain was
temporarily stopped so that it can be improved and renovated.
In December 2015, with the renovation done, the fountain was
reactivated. Now, when the fountain’s electric pump is turned on people can see
the water jets into the air which is accompanied with lights and music. The
fountain retains its old original basin that is surrounded by railings. In the
middle is a new smaller and higher elevated basin where the nozzles of the main spring
are located. Outside and below this smaller basin in the pond are nozzles that
create smaller springs around the main spring in the middle.
The reactivation of the fountain with its colored lights and
music is indeed a beautiful sight not only to the local residents but also to
other people who will visit the city.